Back to School Prayer Guide
Ohhhhhh. Back to school. Back to school. To prove to Dad that I’m not a fool.
Oh come on! Tell me I’m not the only one who has this playing on repeat in their heads leading up to the first day of school.
Maybe it’s just us 90s babies.
Over the last several weeks we’ve been busily preparing our crew to head back to the classroom.
Lunch boxes that will soon be smeared with mustard, pb&j, or yogurt.
Tennis shoes that will be dirty within a week, and won’t fit come Christmas.
Expensive calculators that no one really knows how to use.
70,000 pencil top erasers that will end up going through my washing machine.
15 boxes of crayons that they’ll use three colors out of, and break the rest.
The other day, as I was trying to take my coveted Sunday afternoon nap, I mentally went through my check list. Making sure that I hadn’t forgotten something that would send one of our children into an emotional spiral on the first day of school. As I was going down the line of things to remember I felt the Holy Spirit say, “But are they truly prepared? Are they clothed in the full armor of God? Are they being lifted up in prayer?”
I wanted to say, “Of course, Lord! I pray for my children every day.” But then it hit me. He was meaning deliberate prayer!
In the craziness that is life, it’s often easy to not be deliberate with our prayer lives. We mutter a prayer over our children as they hurry out the door, or when they are testing our patience (mainly for their own protection). But are they DELIBERATE?
Are we carving out the time to lift each of our babies up before the Lord?
Are we praying blessings over them?
Are we speaking scripture over their lives?
I don’t know about the rest of you, but at times I fall short in this department…and I’m sick of falling short!
So, I’ve set myself a goal. For the next 20 day, I am going to be engaging in deliberate prayer for each of my children. I’m going to be praying specifically into their lives. Not only for their daily struggles but for them to be spiritually equipped to go to battle… And I want you to do it with me!
I truly believe that by doing this we are not just preparing them for the upcoming school year, we are preparing them to be world changers!
I also believe that by drawing close to the Lord, and trusting Him with our most prized possessions, it will strengthen our prayer lives on every level.
If you want to join me on this journey, make sure to like and follow me at
where I’ll be posting daily reminders and inspiration to keep us on track.
Now is not the time to be complacent. It’s time for action! Let us shake the heavens with the sound of us lifting these precious souls up to the feet of Jesus!
Day 1- Thanksgiving
For the first day of our prayer journey I was us to enter His gates with thanksgiving!
Over the years I’ve learned to begin my prayer time by thanking God for His blessings on my life. I don’t want to just go to Him with a list of demands, I want my heart to be thankful for what he has already done.
So today, I want you to start by thanking God for your children.
Thank Him for the blessing that they are to your family, and for entrusting you with them. Thank Him for the plan that He has already ordained for their lives, and for equipping you to help lead them in the way they should go.
Day 2- Salvation
Today, let’s cover the most basic, yet most important thing that we can pray over our children… Salvation
When my oldest son was just a baby, I was invited to attend regular MOPs (Mothers of Preschoolers) meetings at a local church.
One particular day the topic of conversation was salvation.
At some point during the meeting the speaker said, “Your children are sinners in need of a savior, and without Jesus they’re going to Hell.”
I’m sorry… WHAT?
Clearly this lady had lost her mind! My baby was pure perfection, and there was no way I was going to accept that he could potentially spend eternity in Hell, totally separated from God.
It seemed too harsh!
But as I sat there listening, the Holy Spirit began to speak to me.
He revealed to me that what the speaker was saying was absolutely true!
While my child was still very young, and nowhere near the age of accountability, he was born into sin. Just like the rest of humanity!!!
Which meant that at some point my child was going to have to accept Jesus as his savior, or risk eternal separation from God.
In that moment my heart broke, and I developed a sense of urgency that I had never before experienced.
My child needed Jesus!
While this is ultimately a decision that every person must make on their own, our responsibility as parents is to help lead our children to the cross.
So today we start with the basics.
If your child hasn’t accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior, begin to pray for the Lord to begin working in them. Pray that they have a supernatural experience with the Lord, and that the Holy Spirit reveals to them that they are in fact sinners, and without Jesus, they are at risk of spending eternity separated from God. Pray for them to experience the freedom and unconditional love that salvation brings, and pray that they will have a desire to follow the Lord from that point forward.
Day 3- Desire For The Word
Today, I want us to pray for our children to have an unquenchable desire for the Word.
The Bible is the living, breathing word of God. There is no better source of knowledge or wisdom on Earth.
It is the most effective way to transform hardened hearts, and mend wounded souls.
When we read the Word, and apply its principles to our daily lives, we will begin to see God in everything that we do and say.
So, today let us pray for our children to hunger for the Word, and for that hunger to never be fully satisfied. Pray that they are captivated by the Bible, and for people or resources to be brought into their lives who can help them to fully understand what they are reading, and help them apply it to their daily lives. Ask God to ingrain His words into their hearts so that it may always be at the forefront of their minds.
Day 4- Prayer
Let’s pray about prayer.
Seems a little funny, but prayer is such a powerful weapon in the arsenal of a believer.
It can heal the sick, redeem the lost, and bring peace to the mourning.
Prayer is our way to directly communicate with the King of the universe.
Now, the concept may sound simple but there are many who struggle with it.
For some, talking to the King of the universe can seem a bit overwhelming. Leaving them feeling defeated, and never stepping into a meaningful prayer life.
So, today I want to pray for our children to have the confidence to come to the feet of Jesus.
Let’s pray that they will boldly approach the throne, like they would approach us, their parents, with all the faith in the world that their Father is listening. Pray that they will understand the importance of daily communication with God, and that they will crave the intimacy that it brings.
Day 5- Church
Let’s thank God for the opportunity we have to take our children to church!
It is a blessing and a privilege that we take for granted.
Today, pray for your children to always have a desire to be in the house of the Lord. Pray for it to be a place of refuge for them in a chaotic world, and that they will have supernatural experiences with the Lord while they are there. Pray for the thousands of children’s pastors across the country who spend every Sunday morning pouring into our children, and ask that God use them to firmly establish our children within the church.
Day 6- The Minds Of Our Children
A new day, a new opportunity to begin engaging in deliberate prayer for our children.
Like the rest of us, our children are experiencing spiritual battles. Battles that they may not be mature enough in their walk with Christ to identify and fight.
We must stand in the gap!
Today, I want to pray for the minds of our children.
It is no secret that our children’s minds are viciously being attacked every single day. From pressures at school, to the things they may see online, our kids are being constantly exposed to things that are detrimental to both their spiritual and mental health.
Today, let’s pray for the protection of our children’s minds. Pray for their minds to be guarded by the helmet of salvation, and that it will block any mental attacks from the enemy. Pray that anxiety, and depression will not take root in their hearts and minds, and that they can capture any thought that is not of the Lord. Pray for the Holy Spirit to bring awareness if any ungodly images are presented to them, and that they will have the wisdom to turn away from those things.
Day 7- Communication
Today, our prayer will not only be for our children but also for ourselves.
As we all know, our children often deal with situations that are far too mature for them to work out on their own.
They will struggle with these things internally, while never speaking openly about them.
This could potentially lead to some negative behavioral changes that are uncharacteristic for them, and can be alarming for us as their parents.
Now, I’m the Mom of teens and preteens so I am fully aware of the fact that sometimes negative behavioral changes are just a part of the roller coaster ride that we call, puberty. However, more often than not, they are triggered by underlying stressors.
My prayer today is that our children will feel that they can confide in us as they navigate these stressors.
They need to be confident in the fact that we are a place where they can receive Biblical truth but also a listening and understanding ear.
This is not always easy. Especially when they’re at the age where they think their parents couldn’t possibly understand what they are going through. < insert dramatic teenage eye roll. >But it is important that we keep the lines of communication open. No matter how reluctant they may be.
I have one child that will talk to me about things that make me so uncomfortable that I leave the conversation thinking, “Geez! I wish he would’ve talked to his Dad about that one!” And then another one that I have to pry open like a stubborn lid on a pickle jar. But once you get her opened up, it’s always an overwhelming flood of emotions.
While they communicate differently, their needs are still the same.
They need to be heard.
They need to be loved.
They need forgiveness.
And they need to SEE Jesus in me!
Today, let’s pray that God will strengthen us to be a place of peace and comfort for our children. That they will know that we can be trusted with the things that are causing them stress or discomfort. Pray that when facing trials, stress, or even sin they feel confident that they can come to us, and that we’ll lead them to the feet of Jesus. Also, pray that God will equip us to approach the sensitive topics with grace, love, and mercy so that we do not destroy our children’s confidence in us.
Day 8- Self-control
It’s a nearly impossible thing for adults to master, much less children or teenagers who have even less control over their emotions.
To have self-control means that we have control over our emotions, and desires, and can refrain from letting those things affect our behavior.
Like I said… That’s a hard thing to master!
But self control is a fruit of the spirit. It’s a sign that Christ lives within us.
God, in all His wisdom knew that we would never truly have peace in our hearts, or allow Jesus to work through us, if our emotions and desires were allowed to control every aspect of our being.
So, when we accept Jesus, the Holy Spirit gives us a gift… Self-control.
Now, that doesn’t mean it comes easily. It means that as we continue to grow in our walk with Christ, we will gain more and more control over our emotions. Why? Because growing in a relationship with the Lord means less of us, and more of Him!
(Trust me, I know that there are believers who still struggle with this but that’s a “dying to the flesh” thing, and a blog post for another day.)
Self-control not only makes us a light in a dark world, (cause lets be honest, the majority of our society lacks this), but it also brings us peace, and prevents us from emotional harm.
This is a pretty hot topic in our home, and there are two things that I regularly tell my children.
1. Do not let your emotions control you.
2. Do not make decisions out of emotion.
You see, I have some pretty emotionally charged kids.
I’d like to say, they get it from their Dad, but I too have been known to lose control of myself when emotions are particularly high… I’m working on it, okay?
When you live in a home with a bunch of emotionally charged kids, things can unravel quickly if not kept in check. And when I say quickly I mean, nanosecond quick.
The words “I hate you”, and “You’re a doody head” are some of our kids’ favorites. (Yea, yea I know. Your kids will never say “I hate you to their siblings”. If that truly pans out for you, please reach out to me. I’ll write a tribute to your success story.)
But when those words fly, and emotions are left unchecked, it leaves both the person whose tongue got away from them, and the person on the receiving end of the insult, wounded. And as we all know sometimes wounds take a long time to truly heal.
So today I want us to pray for our children to have self-control. Pray that they will begin to understand that when they are emotionally charged, they should run to Jesus for guidance before acting out or speaking. Pray that they begin to feel the peace that the Holy Spirit can bring to their hearts in the midst of those situations. And pray that when they do lose control, that they are big enough to recognize their mistake and to ask for forgiveness. Forgiveness from both the person they’ve hurt, and from the Lord.
Day 9- A Little Motivation
My goal for this daily prayer is to see a great move of God in our children’s lives!
It’s a process.
While I have seen prayers move mountains seemingly over night in both mine and my children’s lives, some of the prayers I pray make take years to come into fruition.
Stay committed to the process!
Stay committed to deliberate and intentional prayer for your children.
Stay committed to the faith that you have in the fact that the Lord is raising up a mighty warrior within them.
Day 10- Friends
Good friends are hard to come by.
Especially when you’re a young Christian.
There are millions of people who claim to love Jesus, but few who actually walk the walk.
Seventh grade was a tough year for my son. In fact, his junior high days still haunt him a bit.
One evening I went to his room to tell him goodnight, and he started crying. He was being bullied at school. I’ll never forget his face when he looked up at me and said, “Mom, I have no friends!”
Even as the Mama Bear inside of me roared, I had no words.
How was it that this incredible kid had no friends? And what could I do?
I couldn’t call up the Moms of all the other seventh grade boys and say, “You tell your kid to be friends with my kid! Cause he’s awesome. And really nice. And really super cool.” (And let’s be honest, that is probably NOT what I would’ve said as the angry Mother of a hurting boy.)
As I was sitting there on my son’s bed, wiping the tears off his face, I felt the Holy Spirit say “pray about it”.
So, that’s what we did.
Every night for the next year we prayed for God to send him one good friend. One who would see how incredible he is. One who he could hang out with. One he could trust. One who loved Jesus, and who would help hold him accountable in his walk with Christ.
Every night for a year. Even if my son wasn’t home. That was my prayer.
About halfway through his eighth grade year, while I was sitting on the end of his bed, my son said, “Mom. I think I’ve found a friend.”
2 years later, this kid is still my son’s best friend.
He was an answer to every prayer that we prayed. They share the same interests. Like the same movies. Love Jesus. And hold each other accountable.
So today, I want us to pray for our children’s friends.
I don’t care if they’re Mr/Miss Popular and have a thousand “friends” already.
I want you to pray that God will send your child one TRUE friend. One who sees them for who they really are. One who loves Jesus, and who has a real relationship with Him. Pray that God will use this friend to hold your child accountable for his/her walk with the Lord, and pray that in return your child is able to do the same for them. Pray that as these children walk through this world together that their friendship will always lead each other to Jesus.
Day 11- Reminder
Here is your weekend reminder to engage in deliberate prayer for your children!
In Mathew 6:7, Jesus is basically calling us to do just that. To be deliberate with our prayers!
Don’t just rattle the same old things off, over and over.
Talk to the Father!
Day 12- Physical Safety
As we look at the world around us, it’s easy to worry about our kids.
Their physical safety seems to be more and more at risk.
Schools, malls, restaurants, movie theaters.
The places that used to be a “safe space” are now just another opportunity for our children to be placed in harm’s way.
Naturally, with rising risks comes rising concerns for our children. And the fact that they “just can’t wait to move out” (<currently my son’s favorite sentence.) doesn’t help our concern.
But we are not called to live in fear of the “what if” but to take everything to the Lord in prayer.
Today, let’s pray for God’s protection over our children’s physical bodies. Pray that the Lord guides their path and allows no harm to come to them. Pray for God to call His angels to protect their every step.
Day 13- Struggle
What are some things that your children seem to be struggling with today?
It could be something small, that really doesn’t matter in the grand scheme of things.
Or maybe it’s something big that could have a major impact on their lives.
Whatever it is, I want you to pray about it. But, I don’t want you to just pray about during your time with the Lord. I want you to pray WITH your child!
Seeing that you care enough to stop what you’re doing and pray with them will mean so much. Even if the teenage eye rolls say otherwise.
Day 14- Pressure
As our kids grow older, the pressure begins to mount.
By the time they’re in the 8th grade, 13-14 years old, people are already asking them to choose what they want to do with the rest of their lives.
I personally think this is kinda silly. I mean, if I had turned out to be what I thought I wanted to be, I’d be a 3rd grade teacher. I’d also be sitting in a corner somewhere crying, thinking that I had failed every kiddo that I had ever stepped foot in my classroom. Don’t get me wrong, I have an EXTREME amount of respect for those of you who are in education! You are true treasures and without you we’d all be doomed. I just know that it was not the calling that God had on my life.
But our kids are being faced with these make or break types of decisions every day.
And not just related to their future career paths. It may be jobs, relationships, or even extracurricular activities.
They have teachers, counselors, coaches, friends, and family all giving their opinions on what they think is best for their lives.
All of these people can be a wonderful influence on our children but the question is, are they listening to the one who truly matters? Are they allowing the Lord to help guide them?
When the world is so loud, it’s sometimes hard to hear what the Lord is saying.
So today, let’s pray for our children to surrender to the will of God. Even if it goes against what the world is telling them to do. Pray that they are sensitive to the Holy Spirit, and that they allow Him to guide their decisions. Pray that even when God’s plan isn’t exactly what they’ve pictured they will obey and follow Him. Also, let’s pray for our children to have people in their lives who are encouraging them to follow the Lord’s will and not chase after the world.
Day 15- A Little Motivation
As we pray for our children, we are placing them in the hands of God.
Focus on that when overwhelmed by the hardships of parenting.
Raising warriors of God is not easy, especially in today’s world.
Thank you, Lord that we can always come to you when the load gets heavy.
Day 16- Preparation
Sending our kids out into this world is scary.
It doesn’t matter if it’s their first day of kindergarten or if you’re moving them into their first apartment.
It’s all scary!
And no matter how much you feel that you have prepared them, you’ll always wonder about things like:
Will they remember to use their manners at the dinner table?
Will they remember basic hygiene like bathing, and brushing their teeth? (Lord knows I’ve got a few kids who struggle with this one.)
Will they do their laundry or will they wear the same pair of underwear three day in a row? (I think this one is mainly for the boys.)
Will they be safe while out with friends?
Will they make good decisions regarding relationships?
But lately my thoughts have been going in a different direction.
Maybe it’s because our oldest is starting to think about college. Or maybe it’s because the world has gone CRAZY. Regardless, I’ve been thinking…
Are my children prepared to face this world? A world where there will be people and institutions attempting to indoctrinate them, and erase all of what we’ve worked so hard to establish within their hearts?
Will they be able to stand in a society that may very well hate them for their faith?Is their faith strong enough to withstand such an assault?
Thankfully, God is big enough to handle my fears, and is far more capable of protecting my children, and their hearts than I am. I find extreme rest and peace in that truth.
However, these emotions stir an urgency in my spirit, and an unquenchable desire to pray!
So today, let’s pray for our children to be firmly rooted in their faith. Pray that regardless of what this world says, that their faith in God will prevail. Pray that all attempts that the enemy makes to infiltrate their minds and hearts will be blocked, and that they will stand boldly against a society that may persecute them for their faith in Jesus.
Day 17- Patriotism
20 years ago, I was in my 9th grade algebra class.
The bell rang. You could feel something heavy in the air. Minutes passed before our teacher came into the room and silently turned on the TV. He then turned around and said, “America is under attack”
n our pre 9-11 innocence we never could have imagined what that meant. But as we sat there, watching the events unfold, that innocence was forever lost.
While we lost something that day, we also gained something.
A new sense of pride for our country.
I witnessed patriotism like I had never before experienced. I watched our country truly unite and become one. I watched us cry out to the Lord.
Today, those of us who remember that horrific day in September, attempt to keep that patriotism alive in our children. And while it is difficult at times, I choose to believe that our next generation of patriots will be the most powerful yet.
So today, let’s pray for our children who aren’t growing up in the America that we knew. Let’s pray that a mighty army of young Christian leaders will rise up and bring this country back to its true glory. Let’s pray that they develop a post 9-11 sense of patriotism and through their faith in the Lord, will reunite our country. Let’s also pray that it doesn’t take another horrific moment in American history to get them there. God Bless America!
Day 18- Prayer While Sleeping
Years ago, I heard a missionary speak on how powerful it is to pray over your children while they’re sleeping.
I’m not talking about their bedtime prayers.
I’m talking about kneeling beside your sleeping child’s bed, laying your hands on them, and lifting them up to the Lord.
This isn’t something that I often practiced until recently.
Over the last year, one of our daughters has struggled. She faced some health issues (very mild ones, thank you, Jesus!), and she was diagnosed with dyslexia.
She was often sick, and would be forced to miss school. Unfortunately, this would only add to the struggles she was already facing in the classroom.
Obviously, that’s a lot for a nine year old to handle, and the stress was taking its toll.
She began to act out at home, and began throwing extreme fits. Something that even after fifteen years of parenting I had never experienced.
Any time she would get upset she would spiral into a huge tantrum. She would scream. Throw herself on the ground. Hit or kick anyone who came near. And say very hurtful things.
As you can imagine this was very traumatic for not only her but for the entire household.One particular night, it got really bad.
I was exhausted, and felt that I was completely failing as her mother. I KNEW that God had big things for this child but I had no idea how we would overcome what was currently taking place.
Later that evening I had some time to reflect on the situation, and the Lord brought to my mind Ephesians 6:12.
“For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places.”
After I read this the Lord spoke to me and said, “You are not fighting your daughter. It is a bigger enemy. Pray over her while she sleeps. Cast down the strongholds that are holding her hostage. Pray that generational curses be lifted, and that she will have peace in her spirit.”
Obviously, the words of that missionary immediately came to my mind.
So… I went downstairs to my sleeping child, her cheeks still stained from the tears she had shed earlier, and I cried out to the Lord. And I repeated this nightly for weeks.
Gradually, I began to see the fog being lifted off of my sweet girl. With that, I began to see her differently and gained an understanding of what she was experiencing. There were no other changes. No parenting books (although I’ll admit that I’ve read a lot of those). Just a desperate Mother’s prayer!
Now y’all, I’m not saying that this is the only way to pray for your children. Trust me, I know that sometimes it’s while you’re kneeling beside your own bed before crawling in to pass out.
But what I am saying is there is something powerful about laying your hands on your child and praying while their spirit is calm and quiet.
Honestly, I feel that some of my most earnest prayers have been offered up while at the bedside of my sleeping children.
So tonight, I’m not going to give you a prayer outline. I’ll let the Holy Spirit lead that. But I am going to challenge you to begin making this a part of your routine. Maybe it’s nightly, or maybe once a week, but take your prayers to their bedside, and watch what God can do.
Day 19- Blended Families
Today, I want to go back to the “roots” of this blog.
Blended families.
But more specifically for this post, children who are a part of a blended family.
It is believed that 50% of all marriages will end in divorce. And contrary to what we think of ourselves as believers, the group who shows the highest rate of divorce among those who identify with a specific religious organization is, EVANGELICAL CHRISTIANS.
1 out of every 2 children in America will see their parents’ marriage dissolve.
That means, that regardless of if you yourself are in a blended family situation, you likely love a child who has experienced this.
The lack of resources for these kids is sickening.
The foundation of who they are is shattered by the splitting of their family unit, and we just expect for them to adjust because “kids are resilient”, right?
The fact is, kids who experience this may be resilient, but it will leave lasting effects.
Trust me, I know. My children’s father and I haven’t been together for 8.5 years, and I’m still picking up the pieces.
Now, I am not saying this to beat up those of us who are walking this road. I know from experience that Mom/Dad guilt is real, and we need no help in that department.
But it is a call to action. A call to prayer!
Today, I want us to pray for the children in our lives who have lived through a divorce within their family. I want us to pray for their hearts. Pray that they are given the opportunity to freely mourn the loss of their traditional family dynamic, and begin truly healing. Pray that resources are made available to them, and that even through a very traumatic situation, they will see God. Pray that even as time passes, when emotions arise as a result of the divorce they will be able to address those in a healthy way, and will be met with love and grace from their families. And lastly, pray that the cycle of divorce not be passed down. Pray that the generational curse be lifted, and that they will have a healthy and happy marriage in the future.
Day 20- Spiritual Gifts
The gifts of the Holy Spirit is often a biblical topic that separates denominations. Please understand that this post is based upon my beliefs and experiences as a follower of Christ. Study the Word on your own, and allow the Holy Spirit to bring you to your own conclusion.
Speaking in tongues, prophecy, and healing can often be viewed as “weird”, and cause people to shy away from certain spiritual experiences.
I was raised in a denomination where supernatural spiritual gifts were not understood and therefore I grew up thinking that they were almost “sinful”.
It wasn’t until my late teenage years that I began to experience, and eventually desire those gifts.
When I finally allowed the Lord to move on me in that way, I was baptized in the Holy Spirit, with the evidence of speaking in tongues. After which my walk with the Lord began to rapidly accelerate to new levels. It is truly a GIFT that God has given me in order to strengthen my walk with Him.
Although I am still learning the depths of these spiritual gifts, I can undoubtedly say that they are REAL, and they will forever be a part of my walk with the Lord.
My children are being raised in an environment where these spiritual gifts are encouraged. They are exposed to them on a regular basis and are knowledgeable on the power they bring.
And while can teach them, I cannot accept these gifts for them. It is as personal as the gift of salvation, and can only be freely poured upon them through the Lord.
So today, let’s pray for our children to experience the power of the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Pray that they openly accept these gifts, and are not ashamed of what they add to their walk with Christ. Let’s pray that our children will begin speaking in tongues, and become interpreters of messages in tongues. Pray that the Holy Spirit will use them to heal the sick, and perform miracles of many kinds. Pray that they will be given the gifts of discernment, and words of wisdom and knowledge. Also pray that they will grow in knowledge of what these gifts add to their lives, and the responsibilities that come from acceptance of these gifts.
The End- But not THE end
Although it is the end of our “guided” prayer time together, my hope is that this time has sparked an urgency within your heart.
I pray that it has both challenged you and inspired you, and that you now feel as if you are better equipped for the spiritual battle ahead. Being a parent who is kingdom focused isn’t always easy but the eternal reward makes the challenge worth it.