Random Thoughts

  • Random Thoughts

    To the ones who paved my way to heaven.

    To the ones who paved my way to heaven. To the Pastor’s wife who brought groceries and diapers to my (then) single mother. I wish I could tell you how that single act of kindness changed the course of our lives. My parents, my siblings and I, our spouses, and the FOURTEEN children that we’ve added, are all serving the Lord today as a result of your act of obedience. We continue to spread the love that you extended to us. You did not toil in vain.  To the Pastor who delivered sermon after sermon on God’s love, grace, and forgiveness and who ultimately delivered the sermon that led me…

  • Random Thoughts

    Faithful With Little

    Last night, I sat in our Wednesday night class at church, listening intently.   Praying that God would use something that was said to speak to my weary heart. (I have been in a bit of a dry season spiritually, and I was thirsty for a word from the Lord.) As I listened to our teacher speak about having a heart of obedience, and how to prevent spiritual boredom, my mind began to drift. Am I obedient to God?  Like, truly obedient? If so, how is it that I still feel “bored”.   Why do I feel like the calling God has placed on my life is still so far away. Why…

  • Random Thoughts

    The One Who Matters

    Several weeks ago, I had a really hard day with the kids.  Like… a REALLY hard day. You know, one of those days when you seriously consider buying a one way ticket to the furthest tropical location, and spending the rest of your life in isolation, selling coconuts on the beach? Yeah…Ya’ll can pretend but I know you know what I’m talking about! That night, I crawled into bed feeling so defeated.  Nothing I did felt good enough. -Dinner was “gross”.  -Laundry was piled up. -I was late to the school pickup line. -My teenager was in a very “teenagery” mood. -I had forgotten to run an errand for my…

  • Random Thoughts

    Pray for the Ukraine

    I can’t sleep. I can’t sleep because I know that as I write this, there is a Momma who is waking up praying that it was all a bad dream. That the explosions she heard outside of her home were all a part of a horrific nightmare. As I write this, there is a Daddy worried about how he is going to protect his family over the next 24 hours. The next week. The next month. For the rest of their lives. As I write this, there is a little girl with tears streaming down her cheeks because she has been forced from the only home she has ever known.…

  • Random Thoughts

    A Very Blended Holiday

    The holidays are such a magical time. We fill our homes with delicious baked treats, glistening trees, and the smooth, melodious sounds of the Michael Bublé Christmas album.  We go to Christmas programs, parades, and candle light services.  We snuggle up in our favorite Christmas PJs and settle in on the couch to watch our favorite Christmas movies, while sipping on hot cocoa. Even just writing about it makes me feel all warm and cozy! But for the blended family, the magic can sometimes be dimmed. While the holidays are supposed to be a time of love and laughter,  those things are often overshadowed by the realities of co-parenting, and…

  • Random Thoughts

    Back to School Prayer Guide

    🎶 Ohhhhhh. Back to school. Back to school. To prove to Dad that I’m not a fool. 🎶 Oh come on! Tell me I’m not the only one who has this playing on repeat in their heads leading up to the first day of school.  Maybe it’s just us 90s babies. Over the last several weeks we’ve been busily preparing our crew to head back to the classroom.   ✔️Lunch boxes that will soon be smeared with mustard, pb&j, or yogurt. ✔️Tennis shoes that will be dirty within a week, and won’t fit come Christmas.  ✔️Expensive calculators that no one really knows how to use. ✔️70,000 pencil top erasers that will…

  • Random Thoughts

    My Dirty Little Secret.

    We all have them. A dirty little secret. A secret that lives in the back of our minds, and will occasionally dust off the cob webs long enough to pop back in and remind us that it’s still there, and of who we “really” are. For years I’ve avoided mine.  I’ve dreaded moments that would force me to acknowledge my past, and be honest about my experience. It made me feel dirty. As a result, very few people outside of the typical small town rumor mill, know my secret.  Especially those in my “new” life.  But I feel like a big, fat fraud. It feels as if at any moment…

  • Random Thoughts

    We had a birthday party for our baby.

    Birthdays for a kid with divorced parents can be awesome! Two sets of parents =  double the presents, double the parties, and double the cake! I mean, if the kid plays their cards right, they can get everything on their wish list.  Why wouldn’t they love it? But for some reason our sweet daughter had different plans this year.  Several months ago our girl came home and said, “My daddy is having a birthday party for me at his house, and I want all of my family to come.  Even you Mommy.” Ummm…. excuse me?  Did I hear you correctly? You want me, your bonus dad , your bonus sister,…

  • Random Thoughts

    Eeekkk… I did it!

    Oh, heeeyyyy! This is a big deal, y’all.  My first blog! The journey I’ve taken to get to this point has been a long one. One of sleepless nights, tears, and countless frustrated slams of my laptop.  Seriously though. I’m lucky I haven’t done any damage to my poor Dell.  She has been with me through a lot, and I’d hate to see her go down due to a temper tantrum. Yet somehow, by the grace of God, both she and I have made it to this point, and boy does it feel goooood! My name is Sara.   I’m a Jesus loving, bow shooting, makeup wearing, wife, Mama, and step-Mama.…