Random Thoughts

Eeekkk… I did it!

Oh, heeeyyyy!

This is a big deal, y’all.  My first blog!

The journey I’ve taken to get to this point has been a long one. One of sleepless nights, tears, and countless frustrated slams of my laptop. 

Seriously though.

I’m lucky I haven’t done any damage to my poor Dell.  She has been with me through a lot, and I’d hate to see her go down due to a temper tantrum.

Yet somehow, by the grace of God, both she and I have made it to this point, and boy does it feel goooood!

My name is Sara.  

I’m a Jesus loving, bow shooting, makeup wearing, wife, Mama, and step-Mama.

By the way, I HATE the word “step”. We don’t use it in our home, and you won’t see me use it often.  They are all my babies!  However, in this case I feel it is important for you to fully understand our family dynamic.

My husband and I have five children between the two of us. They range in ages from seven to fourteen.  Two boys, and three girls.  

A perfect combination.

Or maybe it’s a perfect storm.

I guess it really just depends on the day.

While we are truly blessed to have been trusted with these little people, we are seriously outnumbered, y’all!

I’m not gonna lie. There are times when it gets to be too much, and I’ll find myself  hiding in my closet, shoving my face full of Milano cookies just to take the edge off. 

Horrible, I know. 

But let’s face it.  There are worse things I could be doing in my closet. 

As you know, in order to have a “blended and blessed” family dynamic you’ve had to go through some stuff.  And let me tell ya, I’ve been through it.

Then I backed up, did some donuts, and went through it again!

I’ve experienced divorce, and loss. Custody battles, and coparenting nightmares.  I’ve seen excruciating heartbreak, and made some terrible life decisions. 

But I’ve also witnessed redemption, and experienced what is possible when God is put first in my life. I’ve seen our children open their hearts to embrace a new family, and absolutely begin to thrive.   

I’ve found a love that is only possible because God first loved us.  

My heart has been mended, and my sins forgiven. Praise the Lord!

Because, no matter how “messed up” our marriages, our kids, or our lives are, there’s nothing that God can’t restore.  And restore He has.

I truly believe that in this life we will each walk through fire in one way or the other.  We may get burned, and come out smelling like smoke but when God takes our hand, and walks us through to the other side it is our responsibility to share our stories with others in hopes of helping them overcome the flames.

My goal for this blog is just that.  

I want to share my story.  I want to share my victories with you, but also my failures.  I want you to really see my heart, and what makes me tick.  I want to be a source of support, humor,  honesty, and God’s light. 

It is my prayer that when you’re able to spend some time with me, you will feel inspired enough to shove that last Milano cookie in your mouth, dust the crumbs off your t-shirt, and open that closet door ready to face whatever marriage, parenting, coparenting, or just life in general has to throw at you.   

Cause lets face it… there aren’t many Milanos in a package, so we better get our crap together in a hurry.